Why Local Advertising in Print Media Can Work for You
While print media may seem less attractive in the current digital world, it’s still remains one of the most viable options for local small business owners. Local publications offer a viable local readership that is interested in what you’re selling.
It’s all about reaching local residents and expanding your local recognition of your brand. Some facts often overlooked include:
Free Local Publications are Often a Good Option
Local businesses often supply stacks of free local magazines – look for them next time you exit your local eatery or doctor’s office. They’re free to the public and often run informative articles such as spotlights on local business people or events that many find fascinating.
They’re interesting and provide alternate reading in many cases. Plus, they’re automatically targeted for your local area, by definition!
Good Brand Exposure
Not everyone who scans local papers for content looking for your product, but they will be exposed to your brand every time they pick up that paper.
And marketers know that the more brand exposure they get, the more inclined consumers are to consider their product when they eventually do feel the need to purchase a product or service.
On media engagement, print newspapers scored highest! Newspaper Web sites came in 34% higher than average – scoring higher than radio, magazine, Internet, and billboards.
Source: International News Media Association
Many people who read local publications often enjoy reading the ads! They’re looking to see what local business have to offer. As well local papers offer businesses a highly targeted audience.
You Can Build Awareness in Local Print Media
Local publications such as magazines, newspapers offer businesses a way to build a reputation or improve one. They do a lot of work to build relationships with their readers, to grow their own reputation. As they build trust, advertising with them becomes more beneficial because you’re essentially siphoning off some of that trust for your business.
Local Service
Many local publications give you the opportunity to actually speak to someone who knows the business and can help you with your needs. You won’t find that in many large publications.